viernes, 30 de octubre de 2020

Post 3: The best's movie's

Hi everyone!!


I'm a movie fan, I really love movies, I've seen all sorts of genres, and I can say that I like the science / fiction and fantasy ones more like "Harry Potter" and the other one is "The Lord of the Rings".

It´s are crazy !! The use of artificial fantastic language such as Pársel or Sindarin (gray elphetic), even if we only analyze the music of both films we can see the dedication that is in both sagas.

I think that with the films that I cried the most are those that are based on real life and those that are linked to concentration camps such as "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas", "La vita è bella," The Pianist".


The most movie that has marked me is "Bicentennial Man", I remember seeing it as a child with my dad and then with my niece. It really is a very nice story with a happy ending that I highly recommend, without a doubt it is one of those movies that you have to see in your life.

6 comentarios:

  1. Owww!! I really cried when I saw "The boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and "La vita è bella", they are beautiful, but so sad. I also like Harry Potter very much, I've seen all the movies many times, and I saw "Bicentennial Man" when I was little, although I don't remember many things, but I would definitely see it again.

  2. Hi Cami! Those are a beautiful movies, a really emotional ones. I loved "La vida es bella", i was crying like a fool hahha :'( This post was interesting to me, thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Camila!
    I loved how you present us your point of viene about movies. I’m a huge fan too of Harry Potter :)
    And of course, I couldn’t help crying watching “La Vita è bella”, such a heartbreaking end.
    See you in Class!

  4. hi Camila, i watched the pianist when i go to high school i was very sad, and perfect to represent the hardships of those times
    see you

  5. Without a doubt they were also films that marked me in my childhood and their magic filled me with dreams


BLOG 6: English language challenges

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